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So Long, Farewell...

As I write this final blog, I first want to thank everyone in my small group for guiding and supporting my learning these past 13 weeks....

What Do We Need?

Listening to Dr. Amy Bradshaw was really eye-opening to see this connection between IST and Social Justice that is only recently...

Career Flip

I decided to flip flop and post about week 12b first since Dr. James Klein was our first guest speaker. I thoroughly enjoyed Dr. Klein's...

The Future is Bright

After several discussions about HPT with peers and my instructor, as well as a helpful video from a peer, I finally feel as if I have a...

HPT and All that Jazz

I must say, I entered this week with a vague perception of human performance technology that ended up being not at all correct to what I...

It's All Virtual

Bonk's Pandemic Ponderings (2020) included a comment regarding the unfortunate use of the term “emergency remote teaching” (p. 595) and...

From Museums to MOOCs

What a travel through history of the field of instructional design and technology this week turned out to be! As I read through Reiser's...

Learning Theories Everywhere

I began this week with Reeves and Reeves' (2015) chapter dissecting every learning theory, which to be honest, included a couple I had...

I'll Take Authentic Learning for $1,000

Authentic Learning Instruction and Design is definitely where I feel most "at home" as an educator and homeschooling parent. It's one of...

Let's Construct Together

As I mentioned a week ago, my teaching style best aligns with constructivism and sociocultural frameworks. I appreciated Dr. Bonk's...

All About Balance

After listening to Dr. Bonk's video lecture on behaviorism, something he said got me thinking about the behaviors of many researchers. It...

Ins and Outs of ID

This week with ID provided GREAT info and I could see the progress and evolvement, which created stepping stones from one theory and...

All About Design

What an eye-opening week this was in terms of knowledge gained from readings! I feel like so much information was provided regarding...

Foundations of the Tech Field

For the second half of the week I chose three different articles in hopes to familiarize myself with the Instructional Technology field a...

John Dewey-My Pedagogic Creed

"I have never let my schooling interfere with my education." ~Mark Twain As I read through Dewey's (1897) Creed, this quote from Mark...

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